Influence to Impact

Learn Secrets to massive influence, impact, and results from Sirisha Ravuri and Muralidharan Jayaram.

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Doubling your Sales Every Year with the B.O.S.S Blueprint!

How to Reprogram Your Mind for Positive Thinking

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How to Reprogram your mind?

Muralidharan Jayaram is a partner at Citrines who helps business owners, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and leaders achieve...

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When to walk Away Recognizing the Signs of a Bad Relationship

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When to walk away?

This episode, "When to Walk Away: Recognizing the Signs of a Bad Relationship," focuses on helping individuals identify whether they are in a bad relationship and what...

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How to get things done?

How to get things done?

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How to get things done?

In the “How to get things done?" video, Muralidharan Jayaram Discusses the challenges of work in the 21st century.  Muralidharan Jayaram, a partner at...

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Uncovering the Startling Truth Behind My Dopamine Disaster

My Dopamine Disaster

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My Dopamine Disaster:

In “My Dopamine Disaster Video,” Muralidharan Jayaram discusses how distractions such as social media, emails, and notifications can take a toll on...

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How to stop overthinking? Monk Secret


How to stop overthinking? Monk Secret

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 This episode is to inspire you to take charge of your overthinking through simple techniques. According to a study, 73% of adults overthink. And what is...

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How to Deal with Toxic People? relationship


How to deal with Toxic People!

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Whether you realize it or not, people have an impact on you. In this episode, you will learn how to identify toxic people and know how to deal with them effectively. You have...

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How to be Happy Inside and Out?

How to be Happy Inside and Out?

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There is a question on everyone’s mind - how to be happy.  I'm going to put a slightly different version of how to be happy out here for you. Because I don't really believe that...

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Empathic Listening Secrets


Empathic Listening Secrets!

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  • There is a saying by Erasmus of Rotterdam, a Dutch Philosopher and Theologian, which goes like this:
    In the land of the blind, a one-eyed man is the King.
    21st Century world is...

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How to Dress for Success to Influence body language first four seconds first impressions subconscious mind


How to Dress for Success to Influence

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 The first four seconds that you meet someone are the most crucial ones in your journey to Influence. Whether it is a client, a vendor, an employee, an investor, a...

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How to beat recession? blackbelt influence mastery recession trust


How to beat recession?

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  • In this video, Murali discusses the urgent need to develop your Influence skills at the pro or even at the blackbelt level. Your business, family and you need this skill to survive and...
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