How to stop overthinking? Monk Secret

Nov 06, 2022


How to stop overthinking? Monk Secret

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 This episode is to inspire you to take charge of your overthinking through simple techniques. According to a study, 73% of adults overthink. And what is alarming is that many believe that repeatedly stewing about the same thoughts is beneficial and needed. This is a dangerous game of Overthinking that can lead, at its worst, to mental illness or cause stress-related diseases.

The reason why people overthink is because of anxiety. Anxiety is a negative emotion of the future. It is not the content of overthinking that is the problem; it is the habit of anxiety that drives you to overthink. Overthinking can make your life very stressful. Your brain will be in overdrive, and soon fatigue will set in.

Learn to take charge of your thinking now and be at peace. To a large extent, your anxiety is fueled by your thoughts. You are well into the overthinking zone when you keep running the same ideas in your mind in endless cycles like Jane. You do this via internal dialogues - talking to yourself constantly. This dialogue never stops throughout your waking hours.

I will give you two techniques that are really powerful to stop overthinking:

      1. The Monk Method
      2. The Here and Now Method

These two techniques are priceless, and you can practice them anywhere. They are like first aid.

If you want a more permanent solution, you have to get professional help. ake charge of the empire of your mind, and don't let it control you. The benefits are tremendous for you to enjoy. Take care.



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Full Transcript of this Episode:

What is Overthinking? It’s Impact

Hi, Murali here. In this episode, I am talking about the harmful habit of overthinking. This episode is especially for all business owners, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and leaders. However, it is also for parents, spouses, young adults, and the elderly. In fact, for everyone.

Meet Jack and Jane. They have a son James. On his 18th Birthday, they buy him a brand-new car. James is a responsible young man and top of his class academically. Jane is a mature mother and loves her family a lot. In fact, she has a happy marriage with Jack. However, one of her flaws is that she worries too much by overthinking. Jane is worried about James and his new car.


I think we shouldn't have bought him a car. What if he drives carelessly and has an accident? What if he injures or kills someone in an accident? Will he drink and drive? What if his friends drive his car and James has a severe accident? What if he loses his way, goes into some shady neighborhood, and puts his life in danger? What if cops show up at our door and give us the bad news that James is lying in a pool of blood? Just like the Netflix serial I recently saw. Maybe I should call him now. What if he picks up his phone while driving, gets distracted, and rams the car into a tree?

Are you like Jane? Do you overthink everything?

According to a study, 73% of adults overthink. And what is alarming is that many believe that repeatedly stewing about the same thoughts is beneficial and needed. This is a dangerous game of Overthinking that can lead, at its worst, to mental illness or cause stress-related diseases.

The reason why people overthink is because of anxiety. Anxiety is a negative emotion of the future. It is not the content of overthinking that is the problem; it is the habit of anxiety that drives you to overthink. Overthinking can make your life very stressful. Your brain will be in overdrive, and soon fatigue will set in.

Excessive overthinking is when you think beyond what is necessary, you go overboard, thinking in circles to the point of distress. You will come to an end when you cannot stop thinking.

What are the various elements of overthinking? You are overthinking when you do the following:

  • Analyzing
  • Judging
  • Monitoring
  • Evaluating
  • Controlling
  • Worrying
  • All of them

What is the impact of Overthinking? Overthinking can be very harmful to you at multiple levels:

Overthinking can cause

  • stress
  • Spoil your relationship
  • Spread the contagion of anxiety to others
  • Hypertension and other stress-related diseases
  • Depression
  • Make simple things enlarged and complicated
  • You will teach the same negative behavior to your kids
  • You will waste a lot of time- what can be finished in 10 minutes you will overthink and make it a 5 hours project
  • You will miss opportunities as they will vanish or be grabbed by others

There is a huge difference between thinking and overthinking. Many people get confused between the two.

There are three types of People in the world.

  1. People who do not think at all
  2. People who think at an appropriate level
  3. People who excessively overthink

Occasional worry is ok, and it is a part of being human. But when you run horror movies in your mind about the future at the drop of a hat, you are overthinking, which is harmful.

Why do People Overthink?

Why do people overthink? There has been a lot of debate on this. Some researchers believe that it is all in the genes. Some believe it is the way you have been brought up. Hence it is between nature and nurture. If these theories are to be taken as a given, you can do little about them. It is impossible to change your genes, and it is a difficult task to control your environment every time. There is another primary reason why you overthink. You, as a human, are a meaning-making machine. It is the meaning you assign to a particular event or a situation that will trigger overthinking in you.

It is not the event that causes the stress and overwhelms you; it is the meaning you assign to that event that causes all the problems.


I will give you two techniques that are really powerful to stop overthinking:

  1. The Monk Method
  2. The Here and Now Method

To a large extent, your anxiety is fueled by your thoughts. You are well into the overthinking zone when you keep running the same ideas in your mind in endless cycles like Jane. You do this via internal dialogues - talking to yourself constantly. This dialogue never stops throughout your waking hours.

One of the quick and easy ways to stop this internal dialogue and relieve yourself of overthinking is by using a technique called the Monk Method.

The Monk Method:

Here are the steps:

  1. Take a few deep breaths
  2. Close your eyes (Optional)
  3. Roll up your tongue gently
  4. Touch your palate with the tip of your tongue
  5. hold there gently as long as you are comfortable
  6. Notice how things quieten inside your mind immediately
  7. Give a break
  8. Repeat at least three times.

You can do this technique anywhere when you catch yourself overthinking.

The second method is the "Here and Now" technique. Your goal in using this technique is to take charge of your attention. Your attention is trapped in your mind in those disruptive thoughts. With the "Here and Now" technique, you will gently guide it outside your mind into the environment. This will stop the energy that is fueling the overthinking. Remember, where attention goes, energy flows.

The Here and Now Technique:

This is what you will do:


Look at your environment and start noticing what is there:


  • Notice the different colors around you
  • Observe the various objects around you
  • If you are outside, look at the sky
  • Look at the clouds
  • Enjoy the greenery around you
  • If you are in a city, look at the buildings and notice things you have never seen before

In general, lay your eyes on things that are pleasant and make you feel happy. Be in the here and now, pause everything you are doing, and enjoy.

Let's switch the senses.


You can close your eyes or keep them open. Focus on sounds in your environment. What are the different sounds you can perceive? Label each one of them.

  • Do you hear music being played
  • Do you hear the traffic
  • Do you hear the chirping of the birds
  • Listen to people talking without prying
  • Do you hear the breeze

Focus on sounds you have never focused upon.

Let's switch senses:


  • Touch objects around you
  • feel the texture
  • Touch the rose petals and feel them
  • Touch the leaves and feel them
  • Give a person a hug if that is ok for you and it is appropriate
  • Distinguish the different feel of each object you touch

Let's switch senses:


  • What are the smells around you
  • Smell a rose or a flower
  • Smell the perfumes in your house
  • Smell the food around you
  • What are the strong scents in your environment
  • What aroma do you like, and what smells do you dislike

Let's switch senses again:


  • Order your favorite food and taste it
  • Focus totally on the taste
  • What flavors can you distinguish?
  • Can you guess the ingredients?
  • Taste a soda and focus on its flavor
  • Taste a glass of wine and focus on its flavor

When you creatively use your senses, you get outside your mind into the environment and get yourself out of the trap of overthinking.

This technique can give you instant relief.

These two techniques are priceless, and you can practice them anywhere. They are like first aid.

If you want a more permanent solution, you have to get professional help. Certain limiting beliefs are driving this overthinking of yours. I have seen magical results when I have dissolved the limiting beliefs and installed empowering ones in my clients. It is like getting out of a maximum security prison.

Take charge of the empire of your mind, and don't let it control you. The benefits are tremendous for you to enjoy. Take care.


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