How to Reprogram Your Mind for Positive Thinking

Apr 08, 2023

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How to Reprogram your mind?

Muralidharan Jayaram is a partner at Citrines who helps business owners, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and leaders achieve breakthrough results in both their personal and professional lives. He believes that all it takes is one breakthrough to make a huge difference and uses cutting-edge technology like NLP to help his clients get there.

Muralidharan Jayaram struggled with negative thoughts and self-doubt in the past. He used to come up with all kinds of negative thoughts about everything, mostly about himself. This mindset began to affect his quality of life, causing him to lose friends, and he was heading toward failure and doom. He researched and tried many things unsuccessfully before learning NLP, which he used to completely reprogram his mind. Now, he teaches these powerful techniques to his clients and sees the amazing turnaround in their mindset, leading to a high quality of life and success.

Negative thinking has a significant impact on health, both mentally and physically. It creates limiting beliefs, causes stress, and is the seed of failure. Jayaram notes that negative thinking is a result of bad habits of thinking, either developed from past experiences, people, or circumstances that programmed individuals to be negative.

The first step in reprogramming the mind for positive thinking is to become aware of negative thoughts. Muralidharan Jayaram recommends stepping back and realizing that individuals are not their thoughts, emotions, or mind. They may have developed bad habits of negative thinking, but they can change.

In this episode, Muralidharan Jayaram shares two potent techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that produced extraordinary outcomes for both himself and his clients. Take a close look at the details presented in the episode to learn and apply these techniques, and prepare to be amazed by the results you achieve.

Reprogramming the mind for positive thinking can help individuals overcome negative thoughts and self-doubt that may be holding them back from achieving their goals and dreams. Jayaram reminds individuals that their quality of life and success is tied to their mindset. If he can change, and his clients can change, then anyone can change too. By starting today and using powerful techniques, individuals can see the amazing turnaround in their mindset and quality of life.


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Full Transcript of this Episode:

Are you tired of the constant hissing of the negative thoughts in your mind like snakes in Medusa's head? Do they coil around your mind in such a way that your quality of life, your work, and your business, are all affected? if so, fear not, I have the right antidote to turn these poisonous thoughts into powerful forces of growth and success. Are you ready to escape the grasp of this negativity and realize your true potential? if so, then, it is time to slay those snakes and show Medusa who's the Boss

Stay tuned till the end when I share with you three steps to eliminate those negative thoughts and substitute them with powerful positive thoughts and create a mindset inside you, that will help you to achieve your dreams and goals easily and effortlessly.

Hey there, my name is Muralidharan Jayaram and I'm a partner at Citrines. I love to help business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders, and sales professionals to get breakthrough results in their professional as well as their personal lives. I truly believe that all it takes is one breakthrough to make a huge difference. I help my clients to get these breakthroughs by using powerful Cutting Edge Technologies like Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Let me ask you a question. Are you struggling with negative thoughts? Are these negative thoughts preventing you from achieving your dreams and goals or do you know people who are struggling with these negative thoughts?

Me too! I can completely relate to this, hundred percent. There was a time in my life when I was absolutely negative with a lot of negative thoughts swirling in my mind, 24x7. And What’s crazy is, many of these thoughts were bizarre! Why bizarre, because I have a very creative and innovative mind, and all my powers of creativity and innovation were directed towards creating these negative thoughts, and some of these thoughts were very, very bad. Very bad!

so what was the impact of these thoughts? I began to lose my friends, my work suffered, my relationships suffered, and soon I realized that I was heading very fast toward failure and doom.

I had to find a solution before I just throw away my life for good. So what did I do? I deep-dived into research in the area of Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, and so on. I tried many techniques but none of them were really effective. They didn't work, until I came across Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP.) I learned Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and became a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and completely reprogrammed my mind for success. Today I teach my clients how to do exactly that.

Many clients come to me and they have the same problem. These negative thoughts go round and round, like a chain, kind of binding them and not allowing them to succeed. I teach them powerful techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming to help them get out of it and now they are living high-quality lives, completely balanced, and completely successful in all areas of their lives! So the good news for you is that if I can change, and if my clients can change, so can you!

I'm going to share with you three powerful steps to eliminate all your negative thoughts and substitute them with powerful positive thoughts that help you reach your dreams and goals easily and effortlessly. But before I do that I want to talk to you about why it's important to get rid of those negative thoughts you're having right now.

Negative thoughts are very harmful. Most of the time you're not even aware, you're in a bad mood but those bad moods are caused by underlying negative thoughts. They fly under the radar of our consciousness. They are there causing havoc but we don't realize that they are there. That's the biggest danger.

The second problem is that these negative thoughts if you have them over and over again, over a period of time, will begin to impact your physical health. It can lead to all kinds of diseases. It can also impact your mental health. It can cause stress, depression, anxiety, and so on. More than all that these negative thoughts sow the seeds of failure inside your mind and once that happens then you're doomed.

When I had those negative thoughts going around in my mind those days. I notice one big dangerous problem, and what is that? I began to believe them. A thought is a thought, if it comes and goes, that's okay, but when a thought comes and when you begin to believe that thought, it is a completely different story!

The moment a thought turns into a belief, it becomes a command for your nervous system. It becomes a command for your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind will make that thought happen in reality! And that's the greatest Danger. That's why you need to get rid of all those negative thoughts that are troubling you every day.

Well in my Consulting and Therapy sessions, many clients ask me Murali, you know I have all these negative thoughts, and they are troubling me. I've been having them all my life. Does it mean that there's something wrong with me? Am I a bad person? Is there something wrong with me? And my answer to them is absolutely not! Just because you have a set of negative thoughts going on in your mind doesn't mean that you are a negative person! It doesn't mean that you are in a kind of, let's say trouble. That doesn’t mean that there's something wrong with you. No!

All it means is that you have developed a bad habit of thinking, that is thinking negatively, and since it's a bad habit you can always change your habit, and that's another good news for you today.

All right, so, let me share with you the techniques. There are three steps. So what's the first step?

Step number one is to become aware that you are having negative thoughts. Most of the time, most of the people are not aware that they even have those negative thoughts, but they feel low, they feel down they feel they're in the dumps, they feel that they are not confident, and so on.

All kinds of negative emotions and behaviors they begin to notice, but they never notice the negative thoughts that are driving those emotions and behaviors. So the first thing to do is to become aware of the negative thoughts you're having. Once you become aware of the negative thoughts you are having then there are a lot of benefits.

The first benefit is that once you are aware that you have a negative thought in front of you, then you can step back and dissociate yourself from the negative thought.

The greatest advantage of stepping back and looking at the negative thought from a distance is that at some level, you will realize, that you are not those thoughts, and that's correct, you are not those negative thoughts, you are not those negative emotions, nor are you the mind that you have. You are much about that! Now, what you actually are is beyond the scope of this episode. That's a conversation for another time.

The moment you realize that you're not the mind, you're not the negative thoughts, you're not the negative feelings then you will get your control back. You will lay the foundation that if I am not a negative thought, I can change it, if I am not a negative feeling, I can change it, if I am not a mind, I can change my mind.

I can make it better. Okay? Another thing you need to do in Step One is when you notice a negative thought, check if it is an internal dialogue. Are you beating yourself inside? Is there a constant voice screaming at you - like I am no good, I am shy, I'll always be a failure, I'll always be alone, I am a coward I'm useless on and on and on and on? Okay?

That is an internal dialogue. There's a specific way to deal with it, that's one kind of negative thought. There's another kind of negative thought that's a little more subtle and more dangerous, and that is you have a bad feeling, you feel low but you cannot point out what's happening. Actually, you can't even sense those negative thoughts but if you really look at the feeling and then focus on that, suddenly you'll see there's a picture. A picture that is triggering your negative feeling.

A picture may be a still picture or it may be a movie. It is a kind of mini horror movie that's triggering the negative emotion that you need to begin to notice and recognize.

Step two. In step two, I will teach you how to deal with that internal dialogue - like I am a coward, it's useless, nothing goes right for me, and so on. Whatever the dialogue is you're using in your mind, so far, okay, become aware of that.

Once you're aware of that notice the feeling that dialogue is creating inside you - a feeling of Despair, a feeling of frustration, or feeling of anger. Acknowledge that and then notice where the dialogue is coming from. It usually comes from some point around your body, maybe it's on the top, maybe it's side here, here, here, or maybe it's right behind. Wherever that location is of the dialogue notice that, and then it's your mind, you're the emperor, you take that let's say it's behind, you take that voice and bring in the front and notice a change in your feeling,

Once you move the position, when you move the position of the dialogue, usually the dialogue will have less impact, like you feel less frustrated, or whatever you're feeling. Okay? And then, as if you have a remote, make the volume of the dialogue completely zero. Turn the volume down. Turn the volume completely down and then the most important step, is to take this dialogue and then push it far into the wall and then beyond, back into the universe, right into the universe, all the way to Andromeda Galaxy, and beyond, where there's a black hole and that black hole sucks the dialogue inside it forever.

Do this technique again, and, again, and again until your unconscious mind will finally realizes that these negative thoughts that are being generated are not important, and they should be thrown away.

Once your unconscious mind realizes that it will stop producing these negative thoughts. In addition to all these things that you're doing, you can also, simultaneously, create an opposite powerful thought, and repeat it again, and again. Let's say the dialogue is - nothing will go right for me, okay, you take it to the front, throw it away, you create an opposite thought - everything is going to be fine because I'm going to make it right. some positive thoughts like that you repeat again, and again, and again until it sinks into your unconscious mind, and then your unconscious mind begins to manufacture these positive thoughts automatically.

I want you to practice this, be patient, be patient, you'll get there, and you'll come to a point when your unconscious mind which was producing negative thoughts, will produce powerful, positive thoughts.

Okay, now I'll give you Step Three. Let's say you don't have an internal dialogue but you have that picture, you have a bad feeling, and what you do is check where the feeling is. Okay? I'm feeling bad, I'm feeling frustrated, and immediately check there'll always be a picture associated.

All right once a picture is associated with that point out where the picture is projected. We have a holographic memory. Our imagination is also holographic. When you have a memory or imagination it's usually projected in relation to your body to some position around the body.

Now locate that position. Okay, I'm feeling bad, I'm feeling frustrated there is a picture, oh! The picture is here. Locate that picture. Okay, and then look into the picture, then what you do is again with the remote change the picture completely to black, so that you can't see anything in the picture or completely white, you can't see anything in this picture. If there is a dialogue or a voice along with the picture, turn the volume to zero, and then what you do is, catch the picture and bring it in the front, and make it small like a stamp, the size of a stamp, then grab that picture and then just throw it all the way outside your wall, outside into the universe, to Andromeda galaxy, and beyond where a black hole sucks it up and then it's gone forever, and notice as you do that you're feeling of frustration and all that just disappears.

Again repeat it. Be patient! Do this technique again, and again until your unconscious mind realizes that producing such negative images is not important, and then it will stop producing these images.

At the same time, you can also create another image, another image of powerful positive outcomes, powerful positive movies, it's your theater you run the movie. You are the director! So create a movie and run it in a loop - everything is going fine, you are tremendously successful, you are confident, and all the things that are happening, are happening great, whatever that picture was, create an opposite of that and create a movie and run that movie in loops again, and again, again, and very soon your unconscious mind will begin to produce such movies automatically and that's when your entire shift will happen inside you, from a negative mindset you will shift to a powerful positive mindset, and this is so so important.

It's a precursor to you becoming wealthy, healthy, prosperous, and happy. Okay? Having good relationships. Everything will change once you take charge of your mind, and make it do what you want it to do.

Do not be a slave to your mind, it's your mind, it has to obey you. All right? Okay? So, it is so important to work on our mindset and change because ultimately it's all about mindset.

If your mindset is right. you will get the results you want. If the mindset is wrong, you'll be in trouble, you'll become a failure, and I'm sure you don't want to be a failure in life, yeah. Do you? You don't want that. Okay? Practice, practice, and practice. Okay? So until next time…


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