Are you losing Business because of Tough Objections from your Customers?

A Powerful, One of a Kind, Workshop that will Show you

Virtually Unknown Secrets Techniques

to help you to handle the Toughest of the Objections!





🛒 Yes! I want to Enroll in the Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Now!

Are you Sick and Tired of handling objections about your Product/Service and Price the old way resulting in Loss of Sale?



😠 Allowing your customer to throw objections and get away with it will result in 😠:


Consistent Loss of Sales

This can severely restrict your Cash Flow!

Your Customer taking Advantage!

You don't get the Price you want!

Total Loss of respect 

Sets precedent for getting bulldozed!

Ultimately all this will lead to poor sales and poor profits and more so utter disappointment, frustration and the deep feeling that

😢Your Business is Failing. 😢


🛒 Yes! I want to Enroll Right away!

When is the Next Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop?

January 07, 2022, to January 16, 2022

It is a 16 hours workshop spread over 8 working days of 2 hours each.

Yes! I want to Enroll Now!

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 1

January 07, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 2

January 08, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 3

January 09, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 4

January 10, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 5

January 13, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 6

January 14, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 7

January 15, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Session 8

January 16, 2022- 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm IST

🛒 YES! Enroll me Now for the Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop!

Before and After Extreme Persuasion Workshop


🛒 Yes! I want to Enroll in the Extreme Persuasion Workshop Now!

Attention: Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Sales Heads, And Sales Professionals...

We've Uncovered A

New Secret Objection Handling Strategy

That Almost Nobody knows about...

That has the Ability to Grow your Company Faster than Anything you've ever experienced!


From Sirisha Ravuri,

Mumbai, India.

My name is Sirisha Ravuri and I have a unique and radical approach to Business Consulting which is Mindset Based you've probably never heard of.

Yet you've probably come across some of our Clients who are consistently Closing Deals or Winning Tough Customers by applying our Proprietary Objection Handling Strategy and Techniques taught in our Powerful Program - Extreme Persuasion.

What is kinda Crazy is that some of our clients have gone and applied these strategies and techniques Next Monday Morning and closed Huge Deals. This is because the techniques are so powerful that once you learn them you can apply them anywhere at anytime.



So, How do you Handle Tough Objections 

(AKA Become Super Rich)

And Grow Your Business Enormously?

 Let me know if this happened to you...

As a Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Sales Head or a Sales Professional there have been times when we have heard and believed that:

If our Product or Service is Great, They will Buy It


So, We carefully prepare our Proposal...

We use all that we have learned in our Business Schools...

We prepare slide decks carefully crafted with Logic and Data

We prepare our Pitch claiming how great our Product or Service, our Company and Teams are...

We even deliver the Pitch with Passion...

Whatever YOUR THING is...

Hoping that IF we deliver the Perfect Pitch with Logic and Data of why our products or services and everything that goes with them are the best for the customer they will buy.

And then we WAIT for our customers to say the magic word "Yes" and just buy from us or sign the deal.

But unfortunately, they "just" don't buy

Is that your story right now? Is that why you are here?

Have you created something amazing or do you have great products or services, but don't know how to identify your Dream Customers and make them buy your products or services?

Or does your story sound a little different?

May be you have a thriving business and your products and services are doing well

But you FEAR deep inside you and also know that it is not good enough. You know that you have a huge untapped potential business waiting to be grabbed and you are also aware that you are ONE smart competitor away from disaster.

Or you are ANXIOUS of failing because of the NEW Normal that has come to stay, thanks to the Pandemic, just like many other businesses today. These thoughts are keeping you awake in the night and you find yourself often wondering if you have built your business on  a solid foundation.

Have you ever thought...

"If I can't get a consistent stream of Qualified Customers to buy from us or Get NEW Customers coming in to my business...

Do I Even have a Solid and Real Business?"

Muralidharan Jayaram and I are the creators of Our Powerful and Best Selling Program - Extreme Persuasion and I don't think there is anyone on this planet more obsessed with application of Latest Research in Neuroscience, Persuasion and Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Exponentially growing your business as we are. 




In more than thirty years of experience in Selling and Negotiation, Muralidharan Jayaram has won Multi Million Dollar businesses from FORTUNE 100 COMPANIES fighting with the Giants, toughest competitors in the market using the principles of Influence, Persuasion and Neuro-linguistic Programming. 

It was not like this when he got started. Nothing seemed to work initially. Business was slow and it took a long while to get new customers. He searched for solutions vigorously and he too has, just like you, been exposed to faulty training programs and concepts that did not work in the real world. Whenever, he came across faulty techniques he just discarded them. 

He had to learn how to do things differently. He had to be smarter. 

To do that he had to do a lot of research into Neuroscience, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Persuasion. He began to get MAGICAL RESULTS as he applied these powerful principles and techniques. Selling and Negotiation became a breeze to him.

 This is the reason our clients get overnight results using these powerful techniques. They are able to sell their products or services at the price they determine and they find their customers just getting influenced to buy them.

Just Imagine, What would Happen to your Business if You Applied the Powerful Principles and Techniques of 

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop

and Won Every Qualified Customer of Your Product or Service Each Month!?!

We have compiled from the latest concepts, skills and techniques proven over years in the toughest of the World Markets and documented all the SECRETS,

We decided to turn them into this Best Selling - Advanced Program on Selling and NegotiationExtreme Persuasion and NOW we have further made it available as a Virtual Program so that a larger audience beyond Mumbai, India can immensely benefit from it.

You really need such a powerful program in this Tough Economy with

The NEW Normal Norms.


 If you are selling anything. Extreme Persuasion will help you identify qualified customers and convert them into your own customers while you crush competition and create a barrier of their entry.

Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Sales Heads and Sales Professionals in every Market you can Dream of

Business Owners of Every Industry

Entrepreneurs of Every kind

Start Up Owners

Sales Heads of Every Industry

Sales Professionals of Every Industry

Local Small Businesses


Network Marketing



Agency Freelancers

Just Getting Started

And Now, We want to help you turn your Qualified Customers and Dream Customers into your Customers by building massive trust of your customer in you as his or her EXPERT ADVISOR and efficiently obliterating every objection INCLUDING Price objections while maintaining Rapport and Trust. 


 Inside of this Virtual Program

Extreme Persuasion

Here are a few of the🕵️‍♂️SECRETS🕵️‍♀️ you will discover...

Secret 1: The Buying Decision

✅ Secret #1: Every customer makes his buying decision unconsciously in the First Four Seconds of his interaction with you. Learn and use powerful nonverbal and subconscious signals that will make your customer decide in your favor right from the first instance of contact with you

Secret 2: The Buying State

✅ Secret #2: Learn to get yourself into Peak Emotional State at will using a powerful Neuro-Linguistic Programming technique and transmit this state into your customer and get him into a Peak Emotional State highly conducive to buying.

Secret 3: Establish Your Expert Status

✅ Secret #3: Learn to use your voice to establish your EXPERT STATUS even without trying to prove it. Use your tonality to make your customer presuppose that you are the BEST EXPERT to solve her problem or help her to attain her goal

Secret 4: Develop and Maintain High Rapport

✅ Secret #4: Learn to develop rapport using powerful techniques drawn from Neuroscience and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Learn to make your customer feel that he is lucky to have met you and make him feel that you are a caring and sincere expert who will help him for sure to achieve his goal.

Secret 5: Develop the Super-Power to read Your Customer's mind

✅ Secret #5: Learn to get to the customer's innermost criteria, values and motivation for making the purchase or sealing the deal and then match your products and services benefits to exactly that. This will ensure that your customer is highly motivated and driven to buy from you or close the deal

Secret 6: Wave the Magic of Empathy

✅ Secret #6: No Buying Decision is possible from your customer unless she feels you have Completely understood her in all aspects as no one else has. Learn to empathically listen using the latest techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming and latest research in Persuasion and Neuroscience. Once you achieve this you will leave your competition to bite the dust.

Secret 7: Match your Products or Services Benefits to the Motivational Drivers of your Customer

✅ Secret #7: Persuasively match your Products or Services benefits to customer's criteria and values in a manner that customer gets excited and motivated to immediately buy from you.

Secret 8: Be Highly Persuasive and Influential

✅ Secret #8: Use NLP Language Patterns to highly persuade and influence your customer into believing that you are the best, your product or service is the best, your company is the best and the deal you are offering him is a steal-deal and a no brainer.

Secret 9: Use the Secret Sauce of Masterful Objection Handling

✅ Secret #9:  Learn to embrace the word "No" for the final "Yes". Learn powerful language patterns and systems from Neuro-Linguistic Programming and dissolve every doubt, limiting belief and objection to the total satisfaction of your customer while maintaining rapport

Secret 10: Make Closing the Deal the most natural thing to happen

✅ Secret #10: Make closing the deal the easiest thing to do and so smooth and natural that your customer feels delighted and satisfied way beyond the deal with absolutely no chance for buyer's remorse


🛒 Yes I want to Avail the DISCOUNT! Enroll me Now!

Look what our Clients are Saying about us regarding our

Programs and Consulting!


This program has taught us that there is a Scientific way to influence the subconscious mind of the person on the other side to believe and agree with what we are saying. Sunny Bijlani, MD Supreme Universal.



I am really impressed with the Program done by Citrines on Extreme Persuasion. It has really changed me and I rediscovered myself as a Sales Professional - Nilesh Gore, Regional Head OCS


I specifically Liked the section where they help you with objection handling. It will help you to do the Sales and the Negotiation in the most Easy and Honest way possible. Ankit Jain, CEO Property Services


They helped me overcome my Limiting Beliefs  and helped me take crucial decisions which I was putting off for sometime which helped me take my Business and Practice to another level for which I am extremely grateful. Dr. Ajinkya Raut, General Dentist

As You Can See 

Principles, Concepts, skills and Techniques drawn

from Extreme Persuasion and our Consulting have Helped Countless People in Learning Persuasion, Influence, Selling and Negotiation and Helped their Business Grow.

The Question is, Are You the Next

🛒 Yes! I want to Join the Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop

Like I mentioned before, I want to help you to enjoy exponential growth in sales using the Principles and Techniques based on Cutting Edge 21st Century Research in Neuroscience, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Persuasion. Help me to help you!  Avail this amazing offer now and your investment is only  ₹ 19000.00 instead of  ₹ 32000.00

Now, I know what you are probably thinking.



 "I am Not a Natural Salesperson

(or I cannot challenge my Customers when they raise Objections)"

And that's exactly WHY you need Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop!

This Workshop will prove to you that anyone can be a Powerful Salesperson or a Powerful Negotiator. The proof will come to you as you close deals after deals of every qualified customer of yours.

The fact, that you think you cannot challenge your customers when they raise objections is because you have not been taught how do it with finesse or you have been taught some faulty techniques that is bound to boomerang. 

This Workshop will teach you how to obliterate every single objection your customer has while maintaining rapport and enhancing certainty and confidence of your customer in you, your product or service and your company.

You will be taught special language patterns drawn from Neuro-Linguistic Programming that will make this task effortless, easy and enjoyable. A lot of our clients have got immediate results using these language patterns. This based on our Proprietary Objection Handling Strategy proven to get you immense and immediate results.

No matter where you are in your expertise of Selling and Negotiation, a Beginner or a Seasoned Expert, you will immensely benefit from the Extreme Persuasion Workshop because it is based on the latest research on Persuasion, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuroscience. We and our clients have battle-tested these techniques in the real world of highly competitive selling and negotiation global environment and won against toughest of the competitors multimillion dollar deals.

Don't worry, We will take you step by step through the Extreme Persuasion Workshop and very soon you will be selling like a Pro.

All you have to do right now is to enroll for the Extreme Persuasion Workshop at a heavily discounted investment of ONLY  ₹ 19000.00 instead of the ORIGINAL price of  ₹ 32000.00.

OH, In case you are wondering...

There is No Catch!

There are some companies that sell you old and tired programs in a new wine bottles. You buy it and you realize that you have not learned anything and they have taught you outdated techniques that is not suitable for your 21st Century Customer, especially in the NEW NORMAL World we are now living. In fact, these techniques will keep you mediocre and poor.

This isn't one of them...

In case you are wondering why I am doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

 We are a kinda Show Off. We're not going to lie, we are sick of people dishing out outdated Sales and Negotiation Programs which was suitable for your Grand Father in those simple times. What is alarming is even the expensive programs and best selling books on Negotiation and Selling are professing things quiet the opposite of what the Latest Research In Neuroscience, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Persuasion have brought to light.

☑ It is our way of contributing and giving back by sharing these powerful tools and techniques that will radically change the way you exponentially grow your business. We get immense pleasure and deep satisfaction when we see our clients succeeding as never before

 We don't want another Business Person or an Entrepreneur or a Sales Professional to struggle for business when this powerful Extreme Persuasion Workshop can Change the Game!

☑ We have this passion to make you, our client, the best in your industry and contribute to your business growth in these tough times.







Time is of Essence

Here's why...

We have very LIMITED SEATS left as we keep the number of participants relatively small so that the facilitators can give you individual attention even during the Extreme Persuasion Workshop. Like always, there are people who have already pre-booked their seats for this Workshop and they are just waiting when the workshop will happen!

If this page is there then you will be able to Enroll for the Workshop at a heavily discounted Investment of ONLY  ₹ 19000.00xtreme. But I reserve the right to pull it down at anytime. Since the Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop is so powerful and Game Changing, the seats get filled rapidly.

Here is my " You've Gotta be Crazy" Guarantee

100% Guarantee that you will love the Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop Or I'll return you  ₹ 19000.00 if you want to opt out after you have attended the first session with no questions asked.

All you have to do is just email us or call us on the number on your receipt and we'll give you back your money with no questions asked. Of course, if you do that you will lose your access to the Powerful and Extremely useful Extreme Persuasion Playbook we provide and all other additional material we will be providing for you.

Sound Fair?

🛒 Yes! I want to Enroll for the Extreme Persuasion Workshop Right Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

🛒 Yes! Please enroll me in the Extreme Persuasion Workshop Immediately!

The Seats are getting Rapidly Filled! 

Enroll in the 

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop

before we close the Door!

Thanks for taking time to read this letter and hope you enjoy the Extreme Persuasion Workshop.


Sirisha Ravuri


P.S. In case you are one of those people (Like Me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal.

Join Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop at a heavily discounted Price. Your Investment is ONLY ₹ 19000.00 against the ORIGINAL Price of   32000.00. The seats are limited and getting filled rapidly as people have pre-booked for the Workshop.

There's no catch... There's no gimmick...

If you don't love the program, I will refund to you full your ₹ 19000.00 if you immediately ask for a refund after attending the first session with no questions asked.

So, Click the button below NOW to Enroll in the Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop to Enormously Grow your Business.


🛒 Yes! I want to Enroll in the Extreme Persuasion Workshop Now!

Extreme Persuasion Virtual Workshop

Advanced Sales and Negotiation Workshop to Enormously Grow Your Business!

🛒 Yes! Enroll Me Now as my Investment is Heavily Discounted and I Pay ONLY ₹ 19000.00.